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Consider These Factors When Planning A Driveway

If you're thinking about building a new Driveway Christchurch, it's important to keep in mind that your driveway is not merely a means of getting from point A to point B. It's also an extension of your home and one of the first things that visitors see when they pull up in front of it. So if you think about it from this perspective, then choosing a design and material for your driveway should be fun rather than stressful!

The Driveway's Purpose

The driveway Christchurch serves a variety of purposes, from providing access to the vehicle(s) parked there to serving as an extension of the home's living space. A well-defined driveway can provide a sense of order and organization to your property. It serves as an opportunity for you to express your style, whether that means adding plants or decorative lighting. Driveways also provide added safety for pedestrians in case they need to cross over them: having a clearly defined path will help prevent accidents and make everyone feel safer!


Now that you have decided where your driveway will go and what shape it will be, it is time to consider the landscaping. Before you plant anything, though, make sure that the weather in your area is conducive to growing plants during all four seasons of the year. If not, wait until next year and make sure that you get some good recommendations from a local nursery or gardening expert. Otherwise, just follow these guidelines:

  • Decide on which type of plants you want - evergreen shrubs such as junipers or hemlocks will look nice during the winter months; they also retain their colour well even when snow covers them. Other options include deciduous shrubs like dogwoods or winterberry hollies (the berries are edible) which turn reds and oranges in fall before dropping their leaves for winter dormancy but come back green again in the springtime.

  • Choose appropriate plants for full sun or partial shade based on how much sun each area gets throughout the day (for example, if there are already trees around, then chances are good that some areas might get more sunlight than others). Do not plant shady areas with full sun ones, though, since this could cause too much stress on both types of foliage; instead, try making sure there's plenty of room between both kinds so they don't compete with each other for resources like water & nutrients from nearby soil sources).

The Location Of Your Home's Utilities

Before you can create a driveway that's safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing, it's important to consider some things.

  • Where are the water, sewer, and electrical lines?

  • Where is the natural gas line?

  • Where is the telephone line?

  • Where are cable and internet lines?

  • Are there fire hydrants in proximity to where you want your driveway to be located? If so, what kind of space do they need around them for safety reasons?

  • Will storm drains (if any) be in place when you build your driveway, or will they need to be added later on after construction has begun — this can make a big difference in terms of paving material choices because certain types won't work well beside storm drains.

Make sure you know where these utilities are before starting any major construction!

The Look And Feel Of The Rest Of Your House

Before you head out to start shopping for pavers, take some time to consider the look and feel of your house. Whether you're working with a Victorian cottage or a modernist masterpiece, there are always ways to work in elements that tie together your entire property.

  • Think about the style of your home. Is it modern? Traditional? Mid-century modern? Art Deco? Whatever it is, try to use materials that will fit in with that aesthetic. For example, if your house has lots of curved windows or other details inspired by Art Deco design, consider looking for pavers with an Art Deco motif (like these).

  • Consider how big your driveway is compared with other areas on your property. If you have a large driveway but little landscaping surrounding it, then having a small area made up entirely of pavers may not work as well as something larger—perhaps even several different arrangements surrounding each other would look better than just one big area. Covered in stone!

Maintenance Requirements

To ensure your driveway lasts as long as you need it to, proper maintenance is key. You'll want to clean and repair the surface of your driveway before winter comes along and ruins it with ice, snow, and salt stains. And if you're planning on resurfacing or repairing your existing driveway, it's best to do that in summer when you can avoid damaging the grass underneath by digging too deep into its roots.

In addition to regular cleaning and resurfacing/repairs, there are a few other considerations that will help make sure your new driveway lasts a lifetime:

Take Aesthetic And Functional Considerations

As you plan your driveway, there are several things to consider:

  • What kind of landscaping do you want around the driveway? Do you want trees or shrubs planted to create a natural barrier between your home and your neighbours? Do you want flowers in planters along the walkway leading up to the house? It's important that these decisions be made before work begins so that all of these elements can be incorporated into your final design.

  • Driveways make it easier for thieves to access homes, so they should be located away from windows and doors if possible. Additionally, driveways should never be placed close enough to allow someone standing in them easy access into a house—for example, by stepping over a low wall or fence around the perimeter of a yard. A preferable location would be far enough away from entrances and windows (at least 10 feet) that intruders must circle around backyards or climb over high walls just to get close enough for mischief-making purposes (or worse).

  • Other aesthetic considerations: For example, if there are other buildings on your property, such as garages or sheds near where your driveway will run through, then those structures may have an impact on how best to place them within those boundaries without creating any unnecessary obstacles such as tight turns which could cause problems later down the line with drainage issues during heavy rains because water could pool up within corners formed by two intersecting walls instead allowing unimpeded runoff passage between them; similarly landscape features such as ponds should not sit directly beneath where vehicles travel unless they're equipped with covers which prevent fish/frogs etcetera being crushed as well ensuring no debris gets trapped inside causing blockage elsewhere down the line after being washed away following heavy rains causing flooding issues!


As you can see, there are many things to consider when planning a Driveway Christchurch. It's important to be realistic and do your research so that you end up with the right solution for your home and family.


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